How To File Comments At The FCC

Making your voice heard at the Federal Communications Commission is no more difficult than writing down your opinions and dropping them in a snail-mailbox. This is currently the most effective way, because you can use letterhead, interesting formats and, very importantly, your "live" signature. However, many participants in this FCC process would prefer to use E-mail or FAX, to reflect the immediacy of key steps of the process. The Commission is not yet able to accept direct Emailed or FAXed comments

"Formal comments," normally filed by law firms and large corporations, must comply with rather specific requirements regarding length, format, number of copies, and date filed. However, members of the general public may participate in the FCC rulemaking process through less cumbersome means. These "informal comments," normally filed in the form of a letter addressed to the Secretary of the FCC, are included in the docket and made a part of the proceeding, in accordance with their requirement to establish as complete a record as possible of the merits of, as well as the degree of public interests in, issues before the FCC.

Mail one signed original along with one copy of your comments to:

Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

To help the FCC staff route your letter properly, please state the appropriate RM or docket number of the proceeding on which you are filing prominently on the first page of your letter, and in the header of every page because pages frequently become separated.

That's all there is to it. Remember: the FCC will evaluate both merit and public support of items before them. Thank you for taking the time to make your views heard at the FCC!